Leicestershire FoxConnect Privacy Policy

Environment and Transport Department: Leicestershire FoxConnect Digital Demand Responsive Transport Service

This notice is to tell you about why we need your information and how we will handle it. This notice is for: Leicestershire FoxConnect Digital Demand Responsive Transport Service


What Information do we need from you?

We need to know the following about you: Your name, contact details including your telephone number and email address, age, gender status, details of any physical mobility requirements, location, and whether you have a concessionary travel pass. We may also ask for your feedback regarding the service that we provide.

Why do we need this?

We need this information so that we can provide demand responsive transport as efficiently as possible. Providing your information means that we can provide a service to meet your specified booking requirements and, if required, we can contact you about your booking directly. Registering an account will also ensure that future bookings can be made more efficiently. We will also use the information provided for statistical and analytical purposes to optimise journeys, maximising the number of passengers and track key performance indicators.

Why are we allowed to process your information?

Data protection law allows us to process your information within certain conditions. In this case we are using public interest as the lawful condition for us to do this.

We also need an appropriate lawful reason to process sensitive data. In this case we are processing your sensitive personal data under the lawful basis of substantial public interest.

Who will we share this with?

Sometimes we need to share your information with others. We will only do this when it is necessary in order to offer you this service, or if we are required to do so by law. Sometimes we need to share your information with others.

We will disclose your personal information to the following organisations:

  • transport operators (e.g. bus, taxi and minibus operators) for the purpose of running the service
  • the provider of the technology provider of the booking application service
  • Nottinghamshire County Council who will be providing administrative services

We may also share data and statistics regarding the service to, local members and other local authorities. The data and statistics that are shared will contain no information that will identify individual service users.

How will we keep it secure?

We will take all reasonable steps to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. Only the people who need to see your personal information will be allowed access to it. In the event any of your personal data is transferred outside Europe by any processor, we will ensure the necessary safeguards and contractual arrangements are in place.

How long will we keep it for?

We will only keep this information for as long as necessary or as the law requires. For this service we will keep the details for a period of 3 years after our contract with the supplier ends.

What if something changes?

If the information you provided changes or your circumstances change, please contact etdataprotection@leics.gov.uk. If we need to change something like who we want to share this information with, we will contact you to let you know.

What are your rights? 

You may request to see a copy of the personal information we hold about you. The law also provides you with other rights regarding your information including some around; correction of inaccurate data, objection to processing, moving your information to somewhere else, and in some cases, getting your information deleted.  

If you are unhappy with the way your data is being handled or if you need to contact Leicestershire County Council’s Data Protection Officer, please contact the Information Governance Team:  informationgovernance@leics.gov.uk  

If you are not satisfied with any response you may receive from us based on a complaint or concern about your personal information, you then have the option of contacting the Information Commissioners Office to take that complaint further.  The Information Commissioners Office does like to see that you have raised a complaint with the Council first and received a response before contacting them.  If you do wish to contact them, the address details can be found below: 

The Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire.  SK9 5AF 

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 (national rate)  

Website: www.ico.org.uk  

Email: casework@ico.org.uk