Cycling, Walking & Wheeling Forum
Next forum: October 2025 (date tbc)
If you wish to attend the next forum, please register your place on the below link.
Active travel has never had a higher profile, nationally and locally. We all want to maximise the well-documented health, economic, and climate benefits of encouraging the switch from single occupancy car journeys to more active and sustainable modes of travel.
As a council, supported by Active Travel England, we are reaching out to our communities and stakeholders in the world of active travel. We want to hear from the many individuals, advocacy groups, residents, and professionals with a keen interest in Active Travel to ensure the schemes we introduce are effective and useful.
We’re eager to hear your experiences and suggestions, which is why the Forum has been set up to allow a two-way flow of information. While this isn’t a formal consultation process, there will be an opportunity to hear updates during presentations, networking opportunities and workshops.
For previous meeting minutes and recordings, please see below.
If you would like to register your interest for the next forum, please complete this form.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact
Monday 3rd March 2025
Presentation slides
Presentation recording
Pre submitted questions & responses