Leicestershire Buses
Leicestershire Buses
Leicestershire Buses brings together commercial services that are provided by the main bus operators, services that receive financial support from the council as well as community and demand-responsive transport into a single brand.
It has been created by Leicestershire County Council and local bus operators working together under an Enhanced Partnership (EP) agreement that supports the National Bus Strategy for England.
The aim is to make bus travel a preferred choice by providing a more attractive, efficient, reliable, affordable, easy to use and greener network for county residents and visitors.
Help us improve your network
The Passenger Transport User Group meets twice a year and is open to any Leicestershire resident with an interest in improving bus provision in the county. Contact nbs@leics.gov.uk for more information about its aims and how to get involved.
If you have any questions about Choose How You Move or sustainable travel across the county, got to the contact us page to get in touch.
Follow our social media pages to stay up to date with events and projects in your area.