Small steps to a big difference

Leicester City Council has declared a climate emergency and it’s something we can all play a part in to help reduce emissions and achieve healthier air for Leicester.

Our ‘Small Steps, Big Difference’ campaign aims to show people how making small changes to their lifestyle can achieve a collective, positive difference in improving our health and local air quality. 


It can seem daunting to make changes to your lives – but how many of us do things without even thinking, simply out of habit? Taking the car to the corner shop when you can walk there faster? Paying for parking in the city when the park and ride is cheaper and gets you closer? Walking through the park with family and friends instead of playing on your phone.

Start small and enjoy the positive changes it brings; more time for yourself, less time stuck in traffic, a healthier mind and body and overall — your contribution to making Leicester a clean-air city. Together we can make a real difference and who knows – maybe even get fitter and healthier in the process.

We want you to be part of this change and take a small step that leads to a big difference – are you in?

We have put together some of our top tips and resources of how you can make a difference, whether that’s as an individual, a business, or as a family etc. 

Here is what a small difference looks like: